Portfolio of Project Examples AllAdvocacyArchivingFormative ProjectsGraphic DesignPromotionalVolunteerismWeb Design Heart & Soul with Julie HaberCollaboration, Consulting, Educational, For the love of it..., Graphic Design, Presentation Embodying Collaboration Token (Spring Amulet)Collaboration, Graphic Design, Promotional, Volunteerism Protected: Upgrading Roadmaps to Self-RegulationAdvocacy, For the love of it..., Formative Projects, Promotional The Little Chapel of All NationsGraphic Design, Web Design HFPI User ManualGraphic Design Dance OracleFor the love of it..., Graphic Design The Center for Conscious MovementGraphic Design Graphic Design for Lucia & ZelieGraphic Design Lacey Jarrell FoundationAdvocacy, Graphic Design, Promotional, Volunteerism LayersFormative Projects Tifft HeritageArchiving, Graphic Design, Promotional, Web Design Links to External Websites LOADED (2012) Ethereal Edu (2013) MSW ePortfolio (2017)